FAKE TICKETS being sold to the Edmonton BeerFest are an issue. We are doing our best to work with the community, ticket sellers and local authorities to prevent this, however they still exist.
Tickets can be purchased online. Get them early before the event sells out!
The only tickets that are valid are sold on this website. There are fake tickets that have been sold in the past. Make sure you are buying from the source.
You can change your ticket from Friday to Saturday or vice versa following the steps here.
If you would like to upgrade your tickets then you will only need to pay the difference in price. Read the instructions here.
We do not offer refunds, however, we would be happy to transfer it to someone else for you. To do so, please email info@loudcity.ca from the email that you purchased the tickets from, and let us know the name and email of who it you would like it transferred to.
- Register and pay for the event. Check the appropriate boxes and fill out the proper information.
- Please note that all registration fees are non-refundable, non-negotiable, and non-transferable.
- Please make your own arrangements for visa (if applicable), accommodation, meals, and transportation during the conference.
- After completing the registration and verifying your successful payment , a regular invitation letter will be sent within 7 business days.
- Any correction on the invitation letter will cost $50 CAD
Each sample ticket is $0.50, the price per sample will vary at each vendor depending on the cost of the product. Vendors will have that information clearly displayed.
Beer samples size is 4oz. Sample sizes are regulated by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, larger samples are not allowed
There will be an assortment of food onsite for sampling. Exact details will be available onsite.
This year Edmonton’s International Beerfest is featuring a number of exciting musical acts this year. Check out the full lineup here.
View this year’s Beer School schedule here
Ale Pass Ticket Buyers Receive:
- Free access to the festival 1 hr early (Saturday only)
- Free sampling mug
- Free tasting guide and front of the line Access to the festival grounds
BeerGod Ticket Buyers Receive:
- Free Official Sample Mug
- Tasting guide
- Access to Festival Grounds 1 hour Early (Saturday Only)
- Priority access to the Festival Grounds
- Private Beer God Seating Area
- Free Limited edition BeerFest Merch
- Free access to All BeerSchool Classes
- Doors open Saturday @ 3pm for Ale Pass and BeerGods only
Every attendee to the event is required to pass through our admission process. With only a set amount of staff, we can only process a certain volume of people at a time. Lines do form at peak hours to avoid lines, arrive early or outside of peak hours. BeerGod and AlePass ticket holder will be processed with priority.
Buy in advance and don’t risk it.
Free samples are not available at the event. Each sample must be purchased with a sample ticket.
ID requirements
Valid primary identification must:
• have a photo;
• have a name;
• have a signature;
• be government issued;
• include date of birth;
• not be expired;
• have a unique identifier number; and
• be an original (not a copy).
Valid secondary identification must:
• have a name;
• be government issued;
• have a unique identifier number; and
• include date of birth.