7 Myths Ever Beer Lover Should Know

7 Myths Ever Beer Lover Should Know

  If you are a beer lover, chances are you have heard stories about your favorite beverage. What you may not know is that some of the stories that you have been hearing are falsehoods, not facts. The next time you reach into your refrigerator to grab a brewski,...
Most Memorable Beer Quotes

Most Memorable Beer Quotes

  TOP 20 BEER QUOTES OF ALL TIME Alcohol drinking seems to produce some of the best quotes which are written by notable authors including Plato, Benjamin Franklin, Ron Burgundy, Jim Morrison and many more. Such quotes bring fun and can be used to convert serious...
Why Does Beer Have A Head?

Why Does Beer Have A Head?

Beer enthusiasts love a generous, foamy head on their drink of choice. Not too much, lest it detract from the beer itself, but it’s got to be there, absolutely. How though, is the beer’s head formed? And why? Read on to find the intriguing facts about...