There are many different ways to host an amazing beer party, but there are a few things that you should always keep in mind while planning one. There will be two key ingredients to every party these are: the beer and the people. You will want to take your time with the first one.
There are literally thousands and thousands of different beer brands, and hundreds of varieties as well. A true beer lover will always have their preferred style and brand. However this is not a party for one, so the first rule when selecting the beer for a party is now your audience. You will want to have varieties that your guests enjoy or that you think they will enjoy when they try them.
While it is true that some people can just guzzle down any type of beer you want to keep an open mind while planning your party. You will want to select a variety of beers that will give people the opportunity to test and experiment with their palate. They will enjoy this new experience and probably thank you for it as well. It is important not to feel bad if you make a selection that someone does not enjoy as much because all of our tastes are different. If this happens just pass them a different one.
The second key factor to an awesome time is the people. When planning this type of party you will want to invite those over who you know will enjoy beer tasting. This will give them an opportunity to expand their horizons and try new things. In the end you can invite who ever you want as long as they are coming in with an open mind and anxious to have fun. Remember to have a fridge, mini fridge or cooler available to place your beers in. it is very important to keep the beers cold!
There is nothing like a nice cold beer and good company. So relax and open your first beer because you are about to have a great time!
While most people will only spend a few dollars to enjoy their favorite beer, they would be surprised when told that some beer lovers spend more than $400 dollars on a single bottle of beer. These high end beers are not for the average drinker and most are produced in a limited number. Some of the top 5 most expensive beers are:-
5. Samuel Adams’ Utopias
ABV 27%
Cost $150 per bottle
Samuel Adams’ Utopias is the only American brewed beer that makes it to the top five most expensive beers. Named in honor of the American revolutionary hero, Samuel Adams’ Utopias was first produced in 2002 with an ABV of 24% which was eventually increased to 27%.
Every year, a limited number of bottles are released. The beer is packed in ceramic bottles that resemble cooper finished brewing kettles. Samuel Adams’ Utopias is banned in 13 states due to legal restrictions.
4. Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57
ABV 57.5%
Cost $275 per bottle
The Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57 beat the BrewDogs End of History to become the strongest beer in the world in 2011. Though the German brewer wanted a higher ABV, these was not feasible as it would have violated the 500 year Germanic beer purity law. Only 36 bottles of the Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57 were ever made
3. Carlsberg Jacobsen Vintage No. 1
ABV 10.5%
Cost $400 per bottle
The Carlsberg Jacobsen Vintage No. 1 is brewed by Jacobsen Brew house and only available in Denmark. This 2008 vintage is a brown colored beer that is made from the finest caramel and hops. It is then aged in French and Swedish oak barrels for six months in old wine cellars. With 600 bottles from the first vintage, this beer is found in the finest restaurants across Copenhagen.
2.BrewDogs End of History
ABV 55%
Cost $765 per bottle
This controversial Scottish beer is also one of the most expensive you can have. Formerly the world’s strongest beer until the Schorschbock came along, BrewDogs End of History is made by mixing juniper berries and nettles from the Scottish highlands.
It’s insane alcohol levels are achieve by freezing and distilling it multiple times. This Scottish beer has the distinction of being packaged in carcasses of taxidermied hares, squirrels or weasel. Only 12 bottles were ever produced.
1. Antarctic Nail Ale
ABV 10%
Cost $800 – 1800 per bottle
This is so far the most expensive beer to date. It is brewed by the Perth based, Nail brewing. First brewed in late 2010, this beer’s price tag is up the sky because the water that is used to brew it comes from the Antarctic.
Sea shepherd’s scientists flew to the Antarctic where they dug up ice which was melted for the brew process. Only 30 bottles of this beer were ever made with its first bottle being sold for $800 in September 2011
Since the advent of major breweries, there has always been tension between mainstream beers and those which are produced by local brewers. While major brewers have the benefit of providing consistent prices and brews, there is a distinct lack of choice in beer selection resulting from this homogenization. In fact, one of the leading sites for collecting information about the Canadian beer industry estimates that as little as four percent of all beer produced in Canada is brewed by independent craft beer breweries.
This is troublesome for a nation that is famed for its love of drinking and producing beers of every kind. The problem, by and large, is that many of the larger companies buy out the small breweries. The effect of these actions is that there are many fewer choices in the beer that is being consumed throughout the country. While each province has shown itself capable of producing distinct flavors to reflect their geography and culture, the craft beers are being diluted by the heavy influence of the major brewing industry.
However, this is still some hope left to keep a variety of choices available in Canadian craft beers due to initiatives such as the Ontario Microbrewery Strategy. This initiative provides government support to microbreweries that are trying to explore different marketing strategies, while simultaneously allowing them to hire more workers so that they can keep their breweries running smoothly. As a result, they will be able to keep providing liquor sellers with a wide selection of beers that are not simply copies of one another.
Having the choice to drink and enjoy a distinct flavor of beer is a necessity to anyone who enjoys drinking, and this choice can be maintained by supporting local breweries, buying craft beers, and embracing microbreweries all throughout the provinces and country as a whole.