Top 5 Most Expensive Beers

Top 5 Most Expensive Beers

While most people will only spend a few dollars to enjoy their favorite beer, they would be surprised when told that some beer lovers spend more than $400 dollars on a single bottle of beer. These high end beers are not for the average drinker and most are produced in a limited number. Some of the top 5 most expensive beers are:-

5. Samuel Adams’ Utopias

utopiasABV 27%

Cost $150 per bottle


Samuel Adams’ Utopias is the only American brewed beer that makes it to the top five most expensive beers. Named in honor of the American revolutionary hero, Samuel Adams’ Utopias was first produced in 2002 with an ABV of 24% which was eventually increased to 27%.

Every year, a limited number of bottles are released. The beer is packed in ceramic bottles that resemble cooper finished brewing kettles. Samuel Adams’ Utopias is banned in 13 states due to legal restrictions.

4. Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57

scABV 57.5%

Cost $275 per bottle


The Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57 beat the BrewDogs End of History to become the strongest beer in the world in 2011. Though the German brewer wanted a higher ABV, these was not feasible as it would have violated the 500 year Germanic beer purity law. Only 36 bottles of the Schorschbräu Schorschbock 57 were ever made


3. Carlsberg Jacobsen Vintage No. 1

Vintage_0002ABV 10.5%

Cost $400 per bottle


The Carlsberg Jacobsen Vintage No. 1 is brewed by Jacobsen Brew house and only available in Denmark. This 2008 vintage is a brown colored beer that is made from the finest caramel and hops. It is then aged in French and Swedish oak barrels for six months in old wine cellars. With 600 bottles from the first vintage, this beer is found in the finest restaurants across Copenhagen.


2.BrewDogs End of History

brewdog_taxidermy211_534ABV 55%

Cost $765 per bottle


This controversial Scottish beer is also one of the most expensive you can have. Formerly the world’s strongest beer until the Schorschbock came along, BrewDogs End of History is made by mixing juniper berries and nettles from the Scottish highlands.

It’s insane alcohol levels are achieve by freezing and distilling it multiple times. This Scottish beer has the distinction of being packaged in carcasses of taxidermied hares, squirrels or weasel. Only 12 bottles were ever produced.


1. Antarctic Nail Ale

Antarctic_beer_bottleABV 10%

Cost $800 – 1800 per bottle


This is so far the most expensive beer to date. It is brewed by the Perth based, Nail brewing. First brewed in late 2010, this beer’s price tag is up the sky because the water that is used to brew it comes from the Antarctic.

Sea shepherd’s scientists flew to the Antarctic where they dug up ice which was melted for the brew process. Only 30 bottles of this beer were ever made with its first bottle being sold for $800 in September 2011

Six Very Unusual Beers From Around The World

Six Very Unusual Beers From Around The World

Looking for something new and unusual to treat your taste buds to this summer? If so, then you’re in luck! Below you’ll find six of the most unusual beers I could find, and believe me, I ventured into some fairly dark corners of the web to pull these out. Most of these aren’t for the faint of heart, but if you’ve got a sense of adventure, follow me!


What do you do if you live in Japan and have an overproduction of milk? You mix it with beer, of course, and that’s exactly what the Japanese did. When I was in college, we used to crack jokes about putting beer in your cornflakes for breakfast. “Beereal,” we called it. Turns out, you can do exactly that. Is it milk that tastes like beer, or beer that tastes like milk? Try it and see for yourself.

Cave Creek Chili Beer

I know what you’re thinking…chili and beer? Yes! Each bottle comes with a scorching hot pepper inside, and it certainly adds to both the flavor and the heat. There’s not another beer quite like it, and your tongue and taste buds may never be the same again.

Dark Star Espresso Coffee Beer

Well, someone was bound to come up with this combination sooner or later, right? Actually, this is one of my personal favorites. One part beer, one part coffee, it makes the perfect nightcap. If you’re a coffee lover, and even if you’re not overly fond of beers, this one is highly recommended, and by the way, it makes an excellent “float” too!

Mamma Mia Pizza Beer

Everybody knows that pizza and beer go together. It’s the perfect food and drink combination, and now, they’ve actually been combined into one thing. That’s right. You can drink a beer that actually tastes a lot like a pizza, complete with onion, garlic, tomato, basil and oregano flavors. What’s for dinner at your house tonight?

Victory at Sea Coffee Vanilla Imperial Porter

Being a fan of the Dark Star brew mentioned above, I’ve got this one on my “must try” list. A stout drink, 10% by volume, it combines beer, coffee and vanilla. I wasn’t sure they could improve on the basic idea of coffee plus beer, but this strange brew is making me rethink. I can’t wait to get my hands on some.

Smisje Wostyntje Mustard Ale

While this brew doesn’t include any actual finished mustard, it does feature crushed mustard seeds. It’s dark and bitter, but absolutely delicious. Be warned though, this is beer that bites back!

There are hundreds of great beers from all over the world. If you find any of these beers available in Edmonton drop us a line!

We do our best to collect as many kinds of beer in one place every year at the Edmonton Beer Festival. Don’t miss out, see you in 2015!

The Top Ten Weirdest Beer Names In The World

The Top Ten Weirdest Beer Names In The World

Sometimes, it’s fun to take the plunge into the unknown by trying a beer just for its strange, quirky name. Microbrewers are especially good at coming up with catchy, or sometimes downright bizarre names for their creations. Don’t pass any of these by simply because they sound funny or have an unusual name. If you do, you’ll be missing out on some real gems of the beer drinking world!

Sick Duck
This beer will get you hammered. The facts that it’s got a staggering (in more ways than one) 11% alcohol content, and that it’s brewed in recycled rum casks, combine beautifully with the fact that it’s a great tasting, award winning beer all add up to one mug of unforgettable deliciousness. Add an odd name to the mix, and you’ve got a beer that you just can’t miss.

Seriously Bad Elf
With a name like this, you almost can’t help but try this great tasting seasonal ale. Three guesses which season, but don’t wait for winter to try it, it’s tasty any time of year.

Homo Erectus
Named in celebration of our species’ two millionth year anniversary of walking upright. Beyond that, you’ll need to ask the brewers for elaboration.

Moose Drool
The Big Sky Brewing company scores a big hit with this excellent beer. Another name strange enough that it will raise a few eyebrows when you ask for it by name. No worries though, it doesn’t taste anything like actual moose drool.

Arrogant Bastard
An intentionally provocative name for an exquisitely good beer. Anything that tastes this good, I don’t care what you call it.

Santa’s Butt
This rich and hearty brew will raise eyebrows every time you ask for it by name. And it’s sure to be a conversation starter. What could be better?

Buttface Amber Ale
The label on the beer’s bottle is of two rams butting heads, with their faces pressed together. Get it…buttface?

Hoptimus Prime
You’ve either got to be a complete nerd or a huge fan of the Transformers to order this one by name. It’s good though. You’ll enjoy it.

Blithering Idiot
Truth in advertising, or an immensely clever marketing department? You decide.

And last, but certainly not least there’s this:

I’ll Have What The Gentleman On The Floor Is Having
How could you not want to drink some of this?

Well there you have it, some of the weirdest named beers in the world! For more great beers, most of them with normal names, be sure to join us at BeerFest 2015 where we bring them all together just for you!