Breweries Aim for Consistency in Taste in Multiple Locations
Today breweries with many locations have the ability to create consistent beer brands and taste. A-B has 12 locations in the United States and Budweiser has 50 breweries located around the world. Red Hook Ale opened two breweries one in Seattle Washington in 1981 and later in Portsmouth New Hampshire. All these breweries have consistent taste in their brands.
Many companies open more than one brewery because of customer demand and the ability to ship ale more economically. Many municipalities offer significant financial incentives to attract breweries. Karl Ockert, director of brewing operations at Deschutes Brewery, says that as craft brewers it all about flavor.
A company will develop a recipe for a beer and when they open in another location give the recipe to the new staff. Some owners will let the staff make the brew their way or on the other extreme supervise them and make sure it is exactly the same. Green Flash Brewing Company has duplicated its San Diego location in Virginia. It has the same layout, brew house, and production tanks.
Some breweries have batches of beer brewed at one location than shipped to the new one. They owner wants to know how the batch tastes. Many breweries use the same supplier for base malts, specialty malts, and hop lot blends for their brands. Sensory and analytic programs in breweries leads to brew consistency in multiple locations.
Photo by Alexas_Fotos (Pixabay)