7 Myths Ever Beer Lover Should Know

7 Myths Ever Beer Lover Should Know

  If you are a beer lover, chances are you have heard stories about your favorite beverage. What you may not know is that some of the stories that you have been hearing are falsehoods, not facts. The next time you reach into your refrigerator to grab a brewski,...
Keeping an Art Alive – Local Breweries

Keeping an Art Alive – Local Breweries

Brewing is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, mankind’s oldest civilization. When humans were first beginning their transition from hunters to an agricultural sedentary lifestyle approximately 10,000 years ago, the Sumerians...
Win a Trip for 2 to Thailand!

Win a Trip for 2 to Thailand!

Our friends at Gadventures and Travel Gurus are giving away a trip for 2 to Thailand! Visit the Gadventures & Travel Gurus Booth at the 2018 Edmonton International Beerfest or fill out the entry form below for your chance to win an exciting 10-day Thai adventure...
Craft Beer Trends to Look Out For

Craft Beer Trends to Look Out For

    Modern beer drinkers want variety. They want tasty, quality beers. They are not as committed to beer brands as their parents and are willing to explore new breweries and fresh flavors. Their thirst and discerning palates led to the craft beer revolution...