Craft Beer Trends to Look Out For
Modern beer drinkers want variety. They want tasty, quality beers. They are not as committed to beer brands as their parents and are willing to explore new breweries and fresh flavors. Their thirst and discerning palates led to the craft beer revolution and ongoing evolution.
The recent past has been great. In 2016, we can expect more breweries to enter the market. Here are few expected trends for the industry locally and abroad.
Craft Beer Will Get Better
Craft brewers owe their market share to discerning consumers. With so many breweries in the same region, community goodwill is no longer enough. Quality beer is the only competitive edge for those who want to stay afloat. As a beer drinker, 2016 will be an exciting year loaded with tasty quality brews.
Session Beer will Rule
In 2015, Session became the new way to qualify beer. In 2016, Session will continue to rise and dominate. Almost every beer style will bear “Session” labels.
More Limited Release Beers
Release days for limited release bottles have caused a frenzy in the past. In 2016, demand for rare or unique versions will peak. Consequently, you can expect more bottle frenzies.
Return to Lagers
Lagers are hard to produce. They require long fermentation time and more capital. Additionally, craft brewers sensed a “lager-fatigue” in Canadian beer fans. For the mentioned reasons, craft brewers have been ignoring lagers.
However, things have changed. Consumers are demanding crisp, clean light-bodied lagers. And there are new lager yeasts that promise more variety. You can expect more experimental lagers in 2016.
Buyouts and Mergers
Microbrewers have made considerable inroads. The big brands can be expected to fight for their dwindling market share. 2016 will witness more aggressive marketing and perhaps buyouts, mergers and Big Beer’s control of distribution networks.
More Import Craft Beer Locally
Craft beer consumer base in Canada is thriving. More dealers will look to export their craft brands to Canada. Notably, you can expect more American craft beer in local liquor stores.
Single-Malt Beers
Industry observers predict that specialty malts will become as important as hops. Brewers will use the same base malt but a single specialty malt for their ales.
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