Future Trends In Beer – The Exciting New Tastes Just Around The Corner

Future Trends In Beer – The Exciting New Tastes Just Around The Corner

The market for beer is going through a remarkable period of transition right now. All across Europe, the consumption of beer is in decline. It’s barely growing in America. The good news though, is that in several parts of the world where there are booming, developing economies, people are seeing an increase in discretionary income, and it’s these areas that are driving market growth.

Tastes and preferences vary from culture to culture of course, so what sells well in Germany many not sell well in South America or India. Also, master brewers are getting increasingly imaginative in coming up with new products to expand the reach of beer into other demographic groups. These two trends are shaping the new beers hitting the market today, and those that will be hitting the market in the decades ahead.

The two biggest trends are the push to combine beer with fruit and juice flavors to create a refreshing hybrid. This has seen an enormous growth in popularity in recent years, especially in Eastern Europe and Central and South America, although you can certainly find examples in Western Europe and the US. Redd’s Apple Ale, Raspberry Redemption, and Tangerine Wheat are all examples of these.

The last of those, Tangerine Wheat, is interesting because the microbrewery was founded by a pair of women, and it underscores the point that not only are the emerging markets of different cultures driving some of the new flavors, but women themselves are closely involved. Companies are responding by creating and crafting beers that cater specifically to women, getting them more engaged in the market. That trend will continue as breweries continue to look for ways of expanding their market share.

It doesn’t stop with fruits and juices, however. Brewers are experimenting with combining beer with chocolate and a variety of other tasty treats, and that’s the hallmark of what we can expect to see in the years to come. The increased innovation might means that your taste buds get insulted by a dud now and again, but more often than not, it will mean pleasant surprises in store.

Want to come and sample some of these exciting beers, and others like them? Then why not join us at our annual Edmonton Beer Festival 2015!

Economic Reasons to Support Local Breweries

Economic Reasons to Support Local Breweries

The benefits of supporting your local brewery aren’t limited to the awesome beer, the great food or the wonderful camaraderie. Supporting your local brewery means that you are contributing to the local economy and ensuring that the brewery and your locality thrive.

It’s easy to see how being a patron of a local brewery contributes directly and indirectly to the local economy. The brewery pays taxes to the local government, which ensures that, with every bill you pay there, there is money going to the local economy. There is also the added factor of jobs being generated with the growth of the local brewery. Some of the better known local breweries go on to mass produce their beer to be sold across the country, and this generates even more jobs for the town. With brewing being a skill that takes years to perfect, interested individuals will benefit greatly from helping out at the brewery and learning on the job.

Pub food has always been a unique cuisine and local breweries go to great lengths to carry on the tradition. Most local breweries have a menu that pairs their food with the beer available and the combinations can be mouthwatering. It’s a good reason to choose the pub over a fast food chain for a hearty dinner.

Buying merchandise is also a great way to support your local brewery. Buying a t shirt or a cap not only helps you show your support for the brewery but also gives them some free publicity. Advertising can be expensive, so the small cost you pay for the t-shirt or the cap may mean huge savings for the brewery!

If your brewery is in a farming town, this means that some farmers can diversify their crop and add barley to their crop rotation. This will ensure that the brewery has a convenient source for their main ingredient and farmers have a permanent customer. Another boost for the local economy.

At the end of the day, it’s not a hard task to support your local brewery. The food is good, the beer even better and the merchandise is a great reminder of the place you love.